p7 command line reference


This utility is part of Cahute; see Installation guides for more information on how to install it.

p7 is a utility originally provided with libp7 back in August of 2016 by Thomas Touhey. It is used to interact with the calculator’s storage devices from any calculator using Protocol 7.00.


This interface is provided by compatibility with libp7 / libcasio, and must not be changed to bring new features or change the syntax of existing ones.

For concrete steps in using p7, consult the following guides:

Available options for all subcommands are the following:

-l, --log

Logging level to set the library as, as any of info, warning, error, fatal, none.

This option may allow contributors to visualize the effects of their contribution better, and allows users to produce a full output to join to an issue.

See Logging facilities for more information.

p7 is used through subcommands that work on a link, with the exception of the list-devices subcommand. Available options for such subcommands are the following:

--com <device>

Path or name of the serial device with which to communicate, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0.

If this option is not provided, p7 will look for a calculator connected through USB.

--use <settings>

Serial settings to instantiate the serial link with.

This parameter is of the following format:

<Speed in bauds><Parity><Stop bits>


  • The speed in bauds is expressed as an integer, e.g. 19200.

  • The parity is either O for odd parity, E for even parity, and N if parity checks are disabled altogether.

  • The stop bits is either 1 or 2.

By default, the serial link is instanciated with a speed of 9600 bauds, no parity and 2 stop bits (9600N2).

This option is ignored if the path or name of a serial device is not provided using the --com option.

--set <settings>

Serial settings to negotiate with the calculator.

The parameter is of the same format as the --use option described above.

This option is ignored if the path or name of a serial device is not provided using the --com option.


Short hand form of --set 9600N2.


Disable the initiation handshake when the link is opened.

This is mostly useful if combining multiple consecutive p7 subcommands, if the previous one was passed --no-exit.


Disable the termination handshake when the link is closed.

This is mostly useful if combining multiple consecutive p7 subcommands, provided the next one is passed --no-init.

Invalid options are ignored by p7. If an option is provided several time, only the latest occurrence will be taken into account.

See the following sections for subcommand specification.

list-devices subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to list serial devices available to be used by p7.

This subcommand does not provide additional options.

An example execution is the following:

$ p7 list-devices
Available devices:

- /dev/ttyUSB1
- /dev/ttyUSB2

info subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to get information regarding a calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 info

idle subcommand reference

This subcommand does not run any use case, and is used to only initiate, terminate, and/or update serial parameters on a link, when chaining multiple commands.

The syntax is the following:

p7 idle

send subcommand reference

This subcommand is used for sending a file to a storage device on the calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 send [options...] <local file path>

Where the local file path is the path to the local file to send, relative to the working directory; for example, myaddin.g1a.

Available options are the following:


Flag to enable displaying of a loading bar to show transfer progress.

-f, --force

If the file already exists in the calculator’s device storage, force overwriting it or not.

By default, if the case occurs, the subcommand requests an interactive overwrite confirmation or rejection.

-o, --output

File name the file should be stored as on the storage device, e.g. -o MYADDIN.G1A.

By default, the output file name is determined using the base name of the local path.

-d, --directory

Directory name in which the file should be sent to.

By default, the file is sent to the storage device’s root.


Name of the storage device on which the file should be stored.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.

get subcommand reference

This command is used to request a file from a storage device on the calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 get [options...] <distant file name>

Where the distant file name is the name of the file on the calculator.


Note that the parameter is NOT the path of the file, but the name of the file. If you wish to request a file from a directory, you must use the -d or --directory option.

Available options are the following:


Flag to enable displaying of a loading bar to show transfer progress.

-o, --output

Local path of the file to which to write the result, absolute or relative to the working directory.

If the file already exists, it will be overwritten automatically.

By default, this is set to the distant file name in the current working directory.

-d, --directory

Name of the distant directory in which the requested file is present.

By default, the file is requested from the storage device’s root.


Name of the storage device from which the file should be requested.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.

copy subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to copy a distant file to another on a storage device on the calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 copy [options...] <source file name> <target file name>


Both parameters are NOT the file paths, but the file names.

If you wish to set a directory for the source file, use the -d or --directory option.

If you wish to set a directory for the target file, use the -t or --to option.

Available options are the following:

-d, --directory

Directory in which the source file should be retrieved from.

By default, the source file is retrieved from the storage device’s root.

-t, --to

Directory in which the target file should be created in.

By default, the target file is created in the storage device’s root.


Name of the storage device on which the copy should occur.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.

delete subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to delete a distant file on a storage device on the calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 delete [options...] <distant file name>


Note that the parameter is NOT the path of the file, but the name of the file. If you wish to request a file from a directory, you must use the -d or --directory option.

Available options are the following:

-d, --directory

Directory in which the file should be deleted from.

By default, the file is deleted from the storage device’s root.


Name of the storage device on which the deletion should occur.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.

list subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to list files present on a storage device on the calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 list [options...]

Available options are the following:

-d, --directory

Directory in which the file should be listed in.

By default, this subcommand lists files from all directories, including the storage device’s root.


Name of the storage device on which to list files.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.

reset subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to reset a storage device on the calculator.

The syntax is the following:

p7 reset [options...]

Available options are the following:


Name of the storage device to reset.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.

optimize subcommand reference

This subcommand is used to optimize a storage device on the calculator, i.e. defragment in order to save space.

The syntax is the following:

p7 optimize [options...]

Available options are the following:


Name of the storage device to optimize.

By default, this is set to fls0 (flash memory filesystem). However, this can be set to other storage device names, such as crd0 (SD card) for calculators with an SD card slot.